It’s Time For You To Grow, Girl!

What have you been dreaming about that hasn’t happened yet? Or are you stuck and need some inspiration to move forward and start growing again? Or have you put your dreams on hold because life is happening? Or all the above? We get it. Being a woman requires so many different things! We experience pressure, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, exhaustion, and self-sabotage, all because we want the best for everyone else. We want the best for you!

Do YOU want the best for you?

What if you had a way to CULTIVATE your best self? What if you dropped the expectations of others, stood in your power, and were fully rooted in your best self? Guess what?You already are her. It’s time for you to step into your power and bloom into the woman you’re meant to be. Experience the joy and vibrancy intended for you. It’s time for you to grow, girl!

Introducing the

You Grow Girl! Book & Journal

We’re so excited to announce the launch of the You Grow Girl! book and the You Grow Girl! Companion Journal. You Grow Girl will help you CULTIVATE the soil and uproot any limiting beliefs. You will plant new seeds that support your best self. We want you to realize how awesome you are and soak in all the sunshine. Start putting some of the love and care you send to everyone else into you. You Grow Girl!

We’re Julie and Amy and We’re Obsessed (But in a Good Way)!

We have worked in the personal growth space and are obsessed with the power of positivity. We started this book after a conversation about creating a journal for growth. The more we talked, the more the vision became clear–it is a beautiful journal and a book filled with lessons learned to fully cultivate your growth. You Grow Girl! was born. We’ve watched each other grow and have been there for each other through many peaks and valleys. We realized more women need this kind of support and could benefit from a roadmap to fulfill their highest potential. We knew You Grow Girl! would be a place for girls and women of all ages to start the conversation about their very best personal and professional growth and how to support each other in the process.

Trusted By

Let’s Grow Together!

Join our Let’s Grow Together sessions! These are free sessions to plant and pursue the power of you with other women of all ages and stages!

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